Sinai Thunder

Mac’s Ode to Joy *B


Barn Name
Date of Birth

SIRE: Sinai Thunder Ex Maccabees +*B VEV 89
SS: ELITE Sinai Thunder O Exodus +*B
SSS: SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B VEV88
SSD: SG Kaapio Acres HH Redemption 1*M VEEE90
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Peridot 3*M EEEE91
SDS: GCH AGS Rosasharn UMT Pippin +*B
SDD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Amethyst 2*M VEEE90

DAM: SG/Elite Sinai Thunder O Maple Joy 8*M VEEE91
 ADGA Elite (99%PE) 8XElite, Breed Leader AGS/ADGA National Top 10 (305), Milk Test High: 6.0#, 1510#, 120# BF(305)

DS: SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B VEV88
DSS: Cedar View Josephus +*B
DSD: SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M EEEE91
DD: SG Caprakoza LLSurprised By Joy 7*M EEEE91
DDS: Caprakoza BT Lapis Lazuli
DDD: Rosasharn SP Jump for Joy 6*M

Pretty Place Farm


Barn Name
Date of Birth

SIRE: Roman Ranch Merlin
SS: Raisin Ridge Ranch Pearl Drop
SSS: Rosasharn Up Andromida *B
SSD: Kaapio Acres Black Pearl
SD: Little Tots Estate Olivia KBCC
SDS:AGS KAE Bar Te Cad Coupe ++B VEE89
SDD: Little Tots Estate Zinnia 4*M VVVV88

DAM: Helmstead Minis REM Bethlehem VEV+86
DS: Dragonfly HLJ Remington *B
DSS: Dragonfly HFX Hallelujah +*B
DSD: AGS Flat Rocks Here for the Party 1*M EEEV90
DD: AGS CHW DF Lucretia Macevil 2*M
DS: Dragonfly HLJ Remington *B
DDS: AGS CHW CJS Douglas Fairbanks
DDD: AGS Pride of Texas Morning Star 1*M

Lost Valley NW

Reload ++V84

(yearling score)

Barn Name
Date of Birth
Show Wins


SIRE: Bayou Country Noble Warrior
SS: CH Bayou Country SH Noble
SSS: Lost Valley TB Sledgehammer *S
SSD: CH Lost Valley HLB Nori
SD: Lost Valley ML Cana
SDS: MCH AGS Lost Valley Malachi ++B
SDD: GCH AGS Lost Valley KW Shiraz 3*M

DAM: Lost Valley No More Drama 3*M 89.9VG
 DS: MCH AGS Lost Valley Malachi ++B
DSS: AGS TWin Creeks BW Perfect Storm +S
DSD: AGS Lost Vailey Zinfandel 3*D
DD: GCH AGS Lost Valley KW Fit’NTemptation 2*M
DDS: AGS Gay-Mor’s RA Kingwood ++*S
DDD: AGS Goodwod Sisley 1*M

Hope Hill Farm

Spicy Curry *B

Barn Name
Date of Birth
Show Wins

2RGCH as a junior buck

SIRE: Lost Valley NW Reload ++V84 (yearling score)
SS: Bayou Country Noble Warrior
SSS: CH Bayou Country SH Noble
SSD: Lost Valley ML Cana
SD: Lost Valley No More Drama 3*M 89.9VG
SDS: MCH AGS Lost Valley Malachi ++B
SDD: GCH AGS Lost Valley KW Fit’NTemptation 2*M

DAM: GCH Pleasant-R-Farm Pepper 1*M
(GCH pending ADGA) VVEE90
 DS: Fairland Farm Jalapeno
DSS: Fairland Farm T Morocco
DSD: CH Kaapio Acres HH Quesadilla 1*M
DD: The M Carmella
DDS: CH Kaapio Acres SG Silver Moon
DDD: CH Heritage Place T Nestle Quik VVEV88

Hope Hill Farm

St. Cosmas

Barn Name
Date of Birth

SIRE: Sinai Thunder Mac's Ode to Joy *B
SS: Sinai Thunder Ex Maccabees +*B VEV 89
SSS: ELITE Sinai Thunder O Exodus +*B
SSD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Peridot 3*M EEEE91
SD: SG/Elite Sinai Thunder O Maple Joy 8*M VEEE91
ADGA Elite (99%PE) 8XElite, Breed Leader AGS/ADGA National Top 10 (305), Milk Test High: 6.0#, 1510#, 120# BF(305)
SDS: SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B VEV88
SDD: SG Caprakoza LLSurprised By Joy 7*M EEEE91

DAM: Hope Hill Farm St. Lucy ++V+83 (FF score)
 DS: Hope Hill Farm Equinox
DSS: Sinai Thunder Bells-N-Whistles *B
DSD: Agape's Prize JennaSis VVVE89
DD: GCH Pleasant-R-Farm Pepper 1*M (GCH pending ADGA) VVEE90
DDS: Fairland Farm Jalapeno
DDD: The M Carmella

Hope Hill Farm

Salt-N-Pepa *B

Barn Name
Date of Birth


SIRE: Helmstead Minis AG Daisho *B
SS: Buttin’Heads Auspicatin’Geishi *B
SSS: Buttin’Heads Martinique +B
SSD: GCH Buttin’Heads Japanese Washi 3*M
SD: Helmstead Minis GB MaidAtArms 2*M VVEE88
 Top 10 Milker 1000+# Milker
SDS: SG Rosasharn Mr General B +*B VEE89
SDD: AGS Pecan Hollow PS Shatase 1*M

DAM: GCH Pleasant-R-Farm Pepper 1*M (GCH pending ADGA) VVEE90
DS: Fairland Farm Jalapeno
DSS: Fairland Farm T Morocco
DSD: CH Kaapio Acres HH Quesadilla 1*M
DD: The M Carmella
DDS: CH Kaapio Acres SG Silver Moon
DDD: CH Heritage Place T Nestle Quik VVEV88